Focus Area

Hub for creative minds

Research Areas

Click on the specific tab to see the sub areas:

Compilers & Programming Languages

Logical formalism for algorithm specification

Mapcode formalism for algorithm specification

Code generation for Domain specific languages targeting FPGAs

S/W Engineering Education

Case study oriented learning enviroment design and evaluation

Programming education


Model Driven Development

Aspects and model based testing

Concurrent and distributed software architectures

Mathmatical Computer Science and Formal Methods

Mapcode and mathematical computer science

Workflow specification using session types

Web security models in alloy

Technology for Education

Development and deployment of virtual labs

Computer science pedagogy

Algebraic modelling of educational workflow

Usability Engineering

Formal specifications of user interfaces

Standardization of mobile interfaces

Augmented and virtual reality

Semantic Web Architectures

Enhancing business via social media

Internationalization of webapps


Distributed Systems & Cloud Computing

Low power appriximate circuit

Distributed deep learning techniques

Software Quality Engineering

Software quality assesment and detection

Defect prediction and dependency analysis

Mining S/W Architectures

Lean product lines

Formal specification of security

Systemetic module selection for opportunistic reuse